World Students’ Parliament

Highlights of  the previous sessions

Join the Conversation, Ignite Change!

We are thrilled to extend a warm invitation to you for the inaugural World Students’ Parliament organized by the International Association for Quality Education – this will be an extraordinary gathering of talented minds committed to transforming global education and the lives of many children and young people.

Why the World Students Parliament?

In the realm of education, our shared mission is to cultivate a brighter, more equitable future for all of our children and young adults. The World Students’ Parliament aims to be the epicenter of this transformative dialogue, where we discuss innovative educational solutions to some of the greatest global educational issues and share good practice to inform change. We recognize that education is the cornerstone of progress, and it is through collective action that we can address the pressing issues affecting learners locally, nationally and internationally.

What’s on the Agenda? 

In our endeavors to shape the future of education, the World Students’ Parliament is committed to addressing pivotal issues that resonate across classrooms worldwide. It convenes international forums on behalf of the protection and rights of children. Our agenda encapsulates the very essence of transformative education, delving into various pillars that define our collective responsibility. We concern that Protection of the child is key important factor for quality education.  

Consequently, you will find that some of the topics for discussion will revolve around school curricula, the teaching-learning process, assessment and evaluation, school leadership and management, as well as child development and child protection. Mostly, when international conferences are ongoing, the theme of the World Students’ Parliament will be aligned with the conference themes.

“World Students’ Parliament is an international platform for students
in the global society to showcase their talents, innovative ideas, and solutions
for quality education, as well as the rights of the child to survival, development, protection, and participation.”

Invitation to Students for the World Students Parliament

Dear Principal, Teachers, and Students,

The World Students Parliament (WSP) is organized by the student community of the global society with the guidance and supervision of the International Association for Quality Education (IAFQE).

The WSP is an international platform that provides students with the opportunity to showcase their talents to a global audience in a virtual setting. The objective of the WSP is to create opportunities for students to collaborate, build networks, share knowledge and best practices, and demonstrate their talents on a global stage. The WSP is an online international platform designed to develop 21st-century skills and cultivate change leaders who contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The next session of the World Students Parliament will start on August 30, 2024, and will end on December 1, 2024.

Each month, specific topics are published for the World Students Parliament. The topics for the upcoming month are:

Date for Next SessionTopic of the Session
September 06, 2024Leadership Qualities to be success as a global leader
September 13, 2024“My most interested Global Leader in the world”
September 20, 2024“Value of Empathy to be a Global Leaders”
September 27, 2024““What are the opportunities to be a global leader”

Students can participate in the World Students Parliament in two ways:

  1. Submit a Recorded Speech/Presentation: Students can prepare a speech or presentation on the provided topics and upload it to the World Students Parliament Facebook Group. Speeches/presentations should be between 5 and 8 minutes and should be uploaded as an MP4 video file. Uploads will be evaluated, and at the end of the parliament session, the names of the best speakers/presenters will be published. They will receive certificates and awards for their performance. Students who wish to upload their speeches/presentations can do so directly on the World Students Parliament Facebook group. Click here to visit the Facebook group:

  2. Apply to Be a Speaker: Students can apply to be speakers at the World Students Parliament meetings. Only one student from each country can be selected for a meeting. Students who have uploaded speeches/presentations to the Facebook group will have a higher priority for speaking opportunities in upcoming meetings. If you are interested in being a speaker at the next parliament meetings, please submit your application through the following link:

World Students Parliament meetings are held every Friday from 9:00 PM to 9:45 PM. Selected applicants will be added to a WhatsApp group where all guidance will be provided. Speakers at the WSP will be eligible to receive certificates for their performance.

  1. 4th Edition of the International Conference on Quality Education 2024: This conference will be held in Hyderabad in December 2024. Students who have uploaded speeches/presentations, as well as speakers at the parliament meetings, are eligible to receive special awards/certificates at the conference.

For more details, please visit:

Based on the performance of presentations, both schools/Institutes and students will be eligible to receive international awards such as

For Schools/Institutes

‘Excellence Students Performance on Child Protection – 2024

‘Excellence Students Performance on Quality Education – 2024

For Students

  • Best Students Performance on “Quality Education 2024
  • Best Students Performance on Leadership – 2024
  • Best Students Performance on SDG – 2024
  • Best Students Performance on “Rights of the Child to Survival” – 2024
  • Best Students Performance on “Rights of the Child to Development” – 2024
  • Best Students Performance on ““Rights of the Child to Protection” – 2024
  • Best Students Performance on  “Rights of the Child to Participation” – 2024

International conference will be a golden opportunity for students in schools, universities and other higher education institutes to get international awards as well as become change leaders in global society.

Get Involved – Register TODAY!!

The success of the World Teachers Parliament depends on your active participation. It is voice of educaters for child development, child protection and child rights. We urge teachers, educators from every corner of the world to register and be part of this global movement. Your voice matters, and together, we can shape a protection of children.

Click here to apply  

Themes that are going to be discussed in the World Students Parliament


Rights of the Child to Survival

Rights of the Child to Development

Rights of the Child to Protection

Rights of the Child to Participation

Guidance, Consultancy and supervision

Mr. Janaka Kamalgoda
Project Director
World Students Parliament 

Dr. Rashmi Tyagi – India
Vice president Peace and Welfare foundation
Eminent Educationist
Doctorate, IIT Roorkee, India
IIM trained CBSE School principal


Ms. Wathsala Presangani
Project Manager
World Students Parliament 


Project Leaders 

Thiruchenthuran Jelisha
Project Leader
World Students’ Parliament

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